Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I am so grateful for this man. He's taught me so much about what can be accomplished when the mind is focused, the heart is full, the spirit willing and the right tools available. I've embarked on my own ‪#‎Thrive‬ journey and I feel amazing. I'll keep you updated, but for now I'm basking in the glow of what my husband has accomplished: significant weight loss, less pain, more mobility, more energy, focus and drive. Thank you for showing me your brilliant light, Johnny Tezca. ‪#‎oregonthrive4life‬
Day 15
Been keeping it real. Leaving the scale aside, focused on being able to wear real clothes again.
Thanks to my Sarananda, jiujitsu, slow carb diet and Thrive.
I don't use the Thrive DFT patch very often. That's something I like about Thrive; it's simple, high quality, and you can still customize what and how you take the supplements.
I wore one today because I got about three hours of sleep. It didn't hit me hard and edgy like coffee might, but I was alert and felt good through a long work day followed by a great class on armbars.

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