Monday, May 6, 2013

I'm finally getting back to the blog/web page! I've finally updated my name to reflect my marriage of almost a year! And I changed my phone number to a Google Voice number so that no matter where I work, I will always have the same number. Thank you, Google! 

I've been really enjoying my work this Spring. I've found a renewed love and sense of connectedness, making my work feel even more meaningful. I am so grateful to my clients for showing me the importance of being in the moment and allowing healing to happen. I'm also grateful that my general practice and prenatal massage practice are growing. What fun!

On the home front, this Spring brought us a batch of baby chicks to add to our flock. We are getting about 8 eggs a day these days and they are so delicious, with yolks an almost unbelievable orange color. We've now got all the garden beds planted and protected from wayward chickens and our unseasonably warm weather is giving the little plants a grand start. And on Sunday my little girl helped me plant carrots and corn seeds AND helped me bake a loaf of bread. Again, what fun! :)