Sunday, June 9, 2013

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

It looks like Summer is here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! This unusually sunny Spring has my plants just popping out of the ground and growing like crazy -the weeds too. And with the gorgeous weather comes more physical activity and more need for self care. Remember to warm up before exercising and stretch after -and drink lots of water. It is important to stretch even after what we think of as less strenuous activities like gardening/yard work. Stretching allows our muscles to recover more quickly and gives us time to relax and breath deeply -thereby decreasing stress hormones and increasing the functionality of all our bodily systems. So get out there and enjoy the weather, whether you are running races, weeding, playing baseball with your kids or taking leisurely evening walks through the neighborhood. And if you do end up sore or with a strained muscle, I'll be here for you!