Monday, April 13, 2015


The deeper I go into this THRIVE experience, the better I feel. I love helping people feel better in their bodies. I'm a massage therapist and promoting this product feels like a natural extension of my physical and energetic work. Not only am I feeling much more engaged with life but I feel great in my body. I'm building muscle faster and dealing with stress much better and my wrists and hands don't hurt after a long day or long week of massage therapy. My husband has lost 30-40 pounds, is more present, and hasn't injured himself doing juijitsu (after 2 emergency disc herniations and nerve damage). That alone has changed my life -my marriage is better. I'm a better parent, more patient. I keep saying this but it is so true: I am so grateful. And I love sharing it with people.

Friday, April 10, 2015


I realized today that feeling good in my body and mood is my new normal! When I stop and think about it, I'm still amazed at the changes that have come from Thrive but I'm just used to feeling great now (even off days are better). What a wonderful thing! I love talking to people just starting it and having those "I know, right?!" moments when they get how really life changing it is. ‪#‎thriveworks‬ ‪#‎oregonthrive4life

Monday, April 6, 2015

As I find myself 6 weeks into my Thrive experience, I am reflecting on how well I sleep these days. I don't use anything to help, I'm dreaming more and waking up rested. I didn't expect that -even though nearly all the testimonials mention it. I didn't expect to have more patience with my family or feel more in touch with my emotions. I didn't expect my knee and wrist pain to go away or my digestion to improve or to stop craving sugar. I'm not sure what I did expect...that it would just help me be healthier in general, I guess. And I love how so many folks I've shared it with are having similar experiences. It makes my heart happy. People get this weird, skeptical but slightly flabbergasted look on their face as they say how much better they feel or that they don't have cravings or whatever it is that they noticed in just 3 days. And not everyone notices something right away -it can take a couple weeks. But my point is that I LOVE this. It's like doing massage (helping people feel better) but it affects their whole being, *every day*. I still have off days and bad days. It's not magic. But everything is easier to deal with.

Friday, April 3, 2015


Things I love and appreciate about Thrive: I sleep better and have more energy, my mood is better and I'm dealing with stress WAY better, my digestion is better than its ever been, my husband has more energy, I've lost inches and bloat, my knee doesn't hurt, my wrists and hands don't hurt (I can knock out 20+ massages in a week, no problem!), and I get to build a business helping people feel better! ‪