Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 3

#‎thrive‬ update week 3: I'm gaining lean muscle at a far faster rate than I have before. I went to my kickboxing/conditioning class this morning and when it came time for push ups, I went almost down to the floor and did it 25 times! This is seriously a big change. I even did a push up challenge over the holidays and couldn't go down that far after weeks of doing push ups and increasing the amount! I couldn't do that after weight training for months. But after 3 weeks of Thrive and punching the punching bags once a week, I can do more than I ever could! Crazy awesome. Still in love with the the energy I have and how well my digestion is working. Holy Cow! I've never had things go so, umm, smoothly... This stuff just works. I realize that I'm used to things actually doing what they advertise and am kind of floored and amazed still. And it is such a personal thing. Feeling good, I mean. It changes everything. ‪#‎oregonthrive4life‬ ‪#‎nohouseplants‬   


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